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Brady Deaton, Jr.

Professor & McCain Family Chair in Food Security

Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph

Brady Deaton Jr
Professor Brady Deaton (Primary Investigator), University of Guelph, Departmen of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics
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Phone: 519-824-4120 ex.52765


Office: rm220, JD MacLachlan Building, University of Guelph

Brady Deaton is Professor and the McCain Family Chair in Food Security in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Guelph. His research focuses on natural resources in food production, rural development, and environmental quality. Property rights and ownership of natural resources figure prominently in his research and teaching efforts. He has examined the relationships between natural resources and economic development in a number of different settings including: Canada, First Nations, the United States, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Haiti.


In 2017 he gave testimony before sub-committees of both the Canadian Senate and the House of Commons on issues related to farmland and farmland ownership. In 2010 he founded a podcast series called FARE Talk, which addresses important contemporary issues in food, agricultural, and resource economics (it is available here). He has served as an editor of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, and is currently president-elect of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society. 

Certificate of Completion: 

Fundamentals of OCAP®

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